Rushton Morning Mile

logo for the Morning Mile

Rushton Morning Mile!  The challenge is 100 kids 100 miles!

What is Morning Mile?:  A before school walking/running/movement program designed to let students begin each day in an active, healthy & fun way!

Who?:  All Rushton Elementary students are invited!  Pre-K students are welcome with their own adult(s).  We encourage Rushton staff & family member to join in.  We will be counting staff & family miles too!

Time?:  Each morning, Monday thru Friday from 7:20 a.m. to 7:40 a.m.

Where?: The students will gather on the P.E. field (East side of the building) and may walk or run as many .25 mile laps as they want to or can.

Why?: To promote an active healthy lifestyle starting at a young age

Cost: Free thanks to our amazing sponsors 

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  • Please do not run on the track unless a teacher is present. Ms. Simmons and/or Ms. Lorino will be there every day. In their absence, another teacher will be present.

  • Morning Mile will be canceled if it is raining at 7:00 A.M.

  • Morning Mile will be canceled if it is 32 degrees or below.

  • If Morning Mile is canceled, please report to breakfast or gym for arrival at 7:40. Do not arrive early as there will not be access to the building. 

  • Students who arrive at 7:40 A.M. or later need to report directly to breakfast or gym for arrival.

  • Whistle is blown to end the Morning Mile at 7:38 A.M. to ensure students have time to turn in straws, document laps, collect their belongings and to report directly to breakfast or gym for arrival.

  • Morning Mile is not a time to use the playground equipment. Please stay off of ALL playground equipment.

  • No running through playground equipment, stay on the designated Morning Mile Track.

  • If you are found not behaving appropriately during Morning Mile, you will be asked to sit out and wait for arrival to report to breakfast or gym, a phone call home, and/or consequences for behavior (see below).

  • No Pets Allowed- although you might see Moose on the field.


  • Keep hands, feet and other objects to self at ALL times.

  • Stay off playground equipment during Morning Mile.

  • Run, jog or walk when on the Morning Mile Track (no standing) in the direction traffic is flowing.

  • Use appropriate and positive language at ALL times.

  • Stay until whistle is blown signifying the end of Morning Mile (whistle is blown at 7:38 A.M.).

  • Seek out Ms. Simmons or Ms. Lorino if there is an issue at Morning Mile.

  • Be safe and most importantly HAVE FUN!!


Please note every situation is unique and the consequences given depends on several factors; age of student, previous offenses and severity of offense.

  • 1st Offense:  Laps for that day will not be counted and student is sent to designated waiting areas immediately to wait for arrival at 7:40. Parent may be contacted depending on concern.

  • 2nd Offense:  Laps for that day will not be counted and student will be sent to designated waiting areas immediately to wait for arrival at 7:40.

*3 Days suspension from Morning Mile. The student’s teacher and parents and/or guardians will be notified.

  • 3rd Offense:  Laps for that day will not be counted and student will be sent to designated waiting areas immediately to wait for arrival at 7:40.

*1 week suspension/5 days suspension from Morning Mile. The student’s teacher and parents and/or guardians will be notified.

  • After the 3rd offense, if student continues to make poor choices at Morning Mile, they will be suspended for a longer period of time depending on factors previously mentioned.


Please Sign Below and Return in order for your student to participate in Morning Mile:   I have reviewed the above Guidelines, Expectations, and Consequences with my child/parent. 

Date: ___________Teacher: ______________________Grade: ______________

Student Name (PRINTED)___________________________

Student signature: ________________________________

Parent Name (PRINTED): __________________________ 

Contact Information/ phone: _____________email: _______________

Parent signature: _______________________________