Rushton Morning Mile
Rushton Morning Mile! The challenge is 100 kids 100 miles!
What is Morning Mile?: A before school walking/running/movement program designed to let students begin each day in an active, healthy & fun way!
Who?: All Rushton Elementary students are invited! Pre-K students are welcome with their own adult(s). We encourage Rushton staff & family member to join in. We will be counting staff & family miles too!
Time?: Each morning, Monday thru Friday from 7:20 a.m. to 7:40 a.m.
Where?: The students will gather on the P.E. field (East side of the building) and may walk or run as many .25 mile laps as they want to or can.
Why?: To promote an active healthy lifestyle starting at a young age
Cost: Free thanks to our amazing sponsors
Please do not run on the track unless a teacher is present. Ms. Simmons and/or Ms. Lorino will be there every day. In their absence, another teacher will be present.
Morning Mile will be canceled if it is raining at 7:00 A.M.
Morning Mile will be canceled if it is 32 degrees or below.
If Morning Mile is canceled, please report to breakfast or gym for arrival at 7:40. Do not arrive early as there will not be access to the building.
Students who arrive at 7:40 A.M. or later need to report directly to breakfast or gym for arrival.
Whistle is blown to end the Morning Mile at 7:38 A.M. to ensure students have time to turn in straws, document laps, collect their belongings and to report directly to breakfast or gym for arrival.
Morning Mile is not a time to use the playground equipment. Please stay off of ALL playground equipment.
No running through playground equipment, stay on the designated Morning Mile Track.
If you are found not behaving appropriately during Morning Mile, you will be asked to sit out and wait for arrival to report to breakfast or gym, a phone call home, and/or consequences for behavior (see below).
No Pets Allowed- although you might see Moose on the field.
Keep hands, feet and other objects to self at ALL times.
Stay off playground equipment during Morning Mile.
Run, jog or walk when on the Morning Mile Track (no standing) in the direction traffic is flowing.
Use appropriate and positive language at ALL times.
Stay until whistle is blown signifying the end of Morning Mile (whistle is blown at 7:38 A.M.).
Seek out Ms. Simmons or Ms. Lorino if there is an issue at Morning Mile.
Be safe and most importantly HAVE FUN!!
Please note every situation is unique and the consequences given depends on several factors; age of student, previous offenses and severity of offense.
1st Offense: Laps for that day will not be counted and student is sent to designated waiting areas immediately to wait for arrival at 7:40. Parent may be contacted depending on concern.
2nd Offense: Laps for that day will not be counted and student will be sent to designated waiting areas immediately to wait for arrival at 7:40.
*3 Days suspension from Morning Mile. The student’s teacher and parents and/or guardians will be notified.
3rd Offense: Laps for that day will not be counted and student will be sent to designated waiting areas immediately to wait for arrival at 7:40.
*1 week suspension/5 days suspension from Morning Mile. The student’s teacher and parents and/or guardians will be notified.
After the 3rd offense, if student continues to make poor choices at Morning Mile, they will be suspended for a longer period of time depending on factors previously mentioned.
Ms. Simmons at 993-4966 or
Ms. Lorino at 993-4959
Please Sign Below and Return in order for your student to participate in Morning Mile: I have reviewed the above Guidelines, Expectations, and Consequences with my child/parent.
Date: ___________Teacher: ______________________Grade: ______________
Student Name (PRINTED)___________________________
Student signature: ________________________________
Parent Name (PRINTED): __________________________
Contact Information/ phone: _____________email: _______________
Parent signature: _______________________________